SHORT ANIMATION | Produced: 2009 | Animation: Hand sketches, Flash & After Effects | Duration: 2:30mins
Once upon a time, there was a girl who longed for a thicker skin...
This short animation is based on a poem written by Clare Young and follows the story of a young girl. This film marks the first collaboration of Marisa and Clare as Directors, Clare's first screenwriting credit and Marisa's first full animation credit. Told simply by a caring narrator, the girl shows us her world in simple black and white sketches. The film was made using Adobe Photoshop, Flash and After Effects with a Wacom drawing tablet and good, old fashioned lead pencils on paper. Clare Young's beautifully simple original piano score was recorded at Canberra's Artsound FM studios. |
Narrator Michael Cove
Directors/Producers Marisa Martin & Clare Young
Writer Clare Young
Animator Marisa Martin
Original Score Clare Young
Editor Marisa Martin
Sound Recording Nick Munnings
Piano Recording Tony Hunter
Narrator Michael Cove
Directors/Producers Marisa Martin & Clare Young
Writer Clare Young
Animator Marisa Martin
Original Score Clare Young
Editor Marisa Martin
Sound Recording Nick Munnings
Piano Recording Tony Hunter